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MMA Handicapper Stats: Hens Bets

Hens Bets (HensBets1)

MMA MHandicapper - Hens Bets

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MMA Betting Stats Summary

Overall Stats

Straight Fight Picks



Right 46 (41%) Right 10 (71%) Right 3 (100%) Right 33 (35%)
Wrong 65 (59%) Wrong 4 (29%) Wrong 0 (0%) Wrong 61 (65%)
Avg Odds 2.49 Avg Odds 1.56 Avg Odds 2.25 Avg Odds 2.75
Units Bet 1,213.0 Units Bet 198.9 Units Bet 33.0 Units Bet 981.1
Avg Bet 10.93 Avg Bet 14.21 Avg Bet 11.00 Avg Bet 10.44
Units Profit 266.69 Units Profit 115.40 Units Profit 49.55 Units Profit 101.74
ROI % 22% ROI % 58% ROI % 150% ROI % 10%
View Handicapper's Profile

Hens Bets: Event by Event Predictions

The straight picks, parlays and props sections display Winnings / Bets (ROI%)

Date Event Bet Won ROI Straight Picks Props Parlays
7th Oct '22 Cage Warriors 144 11 2.9 27% 2.9 / 11 (27%)
4th Oct '22 ACA 146 87.5 495.2 566% 79.0 / 21.5 (368%) 41.2 / 11 (375%) 374.9 / 55 (682%)
1st Oct '22 Bellator 286 154 0.5 0% -0.9 / 55 (-2%) 1.4 / 99 (1%)
1st Oct '22 UFC Fight Night: Dern vs. Yan 11 4.3 39% 4.3 / 11 (39%)
29th Sep '22 ONE 161 85 2.3 3% 15.4 / 22 (70%) -13.1 / 63 (-21%)
29th Sep '22 Invicta FC 49 100 -100.0 -100% -11.0 / 11 (-100%) -89.0 / 89 (-100%)
27th Sep '22 DWCS 2022: Week 10 89.4 34.9 39% 28.6 / 78.4 (36%) 6.4 / 11 (58%)
23rd Sep '22 Unified MMA 46 33 -33.0 -100% -33.0 / 33 (-100%)
23rd Sep '22 Bellator 285 22 -22.0 -100% -22.0 / 22 (-100%)
23rd Sep '22 ACA 145 44 1.9 4% 1.9 / 44 (4%)
21st Sep '22 DWCS 2022: Week 9 11 10.6 96% 10.6 / 11 (96%)
17th Sep '22 UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs. Song 89 -25.8 -29% -25.8 / 89 (-29%)
13th Sep '22 DWCS 2022: Week 8 11 8.0 73% 8.0 / 11 (73%)
10th Sep '22 UFC 279 121 3.7 3% 5.4 / 11 (49%) -1.7 / 110 (-2%)
6th Sep '22 DWCS 2022: Week 7 12.1 8.6 71% 8.6 / 12.1 (71%)
3rd Sep '22 UFC Fight Night: Gane vs. Tuivasa 100 -13.5 -14% -13.5 / 100 (-14%)
31st Aug '22 DWCS 2022: Week 6 33 -33.0 -100% -33.0 / 33 (-100%)
26th Aug '22 CFFC 112 33 58.6 178% 58.6 / 33 (178%)
26th Aug '22 One 160 22 -22.0 -100% -22.0 / 22 (-100%)
23rd Aug '22 DWCS 2022: Week 5 56 -56.0 -100% -56.0 / 56 (-100%)
20th Aug '22 UFC 278 55 -26.5 -48% -26.5 / 55 (-48%)
20th Aug '22 PFL 2022 #9 33 -33.0 -100% -33.0 / 33 (-100%)

Winning Events: 12 (55%)
Losing Events: 10 (45%)

Average Staked Per Event: 55.14 units
Most Staked On One Event: 154.00 units
Best Event: 495.21 units
Worst Event: -100.00 units
Average Event: 12.12 units

Max Win Streak: Events: 5, Units: 505.22
Max Losing Streak: Events: 4, Units: -137.46

Hens Bets: Year on Year Profit

Year Bet Won ROI Straight
Won / Bet (ROI%)
Won / Bet (ROI%)
Won / Bet (ROI%)
Won / Lost (%)
Per Event
2022 1213 266.7 22% 115.4 / 198.9 (58%) 101.7 / 981.1 (10%) 12 / 10 (55%) 12.12

Hens Bets: Yearly Straight Pick Stats

To view these stats, you need to be a VIP

Hens Bets: Profit / Loss by Organization

Organization Bet Won ROI Straight Picks Props Parlays
UFC 376 -57.8 -15% 4.3 / 11 (39%) 5.4 / 11 (49%) -67.5 / 354 (-19%)
Bellator 176 -21.5 -12% -0.9 / 55 (-2%) -20.6 / 121 (-17%)
PFL 33 -33.0 -100% -33.0 / 33 (-100%)
Other 628 379.0 60% 112.0 / 132.9 (84%) 44.2 / 22 (201%) 222.8 / 473.1 (47%)

Hens Bets: Straight Pick Stats

Big favourite means >65% win chance according to bookies. Big underdog is <35% chance.

  Picks Correct % Correct Units Bet Units Profit Profit per Pick ROI
Big Favorites 13 (68%) 11 85 % 142.40 16.08 1.24 11%
Slight Favorites 1 (5%) 1 100 % 11.00 6.88 6.88 63%
Slight Underdogs 2 (11%) 0 0 % 13.00 -13.00 -6.50 -100%
Big Underdogs 3 (16%) 3 100 % 32.50 105.45 35.15 324%

Betting Stats By Card Position

  Picks Correct % Correct Units Bet Units Profit Profit per Pick ROI
Main Event 3 (16%) 2 67 % 33.00 16.50 5.50 50%
Co-Main Event 4 (21%) 2 50 % 35.00 -5.94 -1.48 -17%
Position 3-5 7 (37%) 6 86 % 76.40 18.46 2.64 24%
6+ (Undercard) 5 (26%) 5 100 % 54.50 86.38 17.28 159%

Hens Bets: Profit by Weight Class

  Picks Correct % Correct Units Bet Units Profit Profit per Pick ROI
Light Heavy 1 (5%) 0 % 11.00 -11.00 -11.00 -100%
Middleweight 1 (5%) 1 100 % 11.00 1.10 1.10 10%
Welterweight 2 (11%) 2 100 % 22.00 30.71 15.36 140%
Lightweight 2 (11%) 1 50 % 13.00 0.75 0.38 6%
Featherweight 8 (42%) 7 88 % 87.20 90.11 11.26 103%
Bantamweight 3 (16%) 3 100 % 32.70 12.90 4.30 39%
Women's Fights 2 (11%) 1 50 % 22.00 -9.17 -4.58 -42%
Flyweight 1 (5%) 1 100 % 11.00 1.83 1.83 17%
Strawweight 1 (5%) 0 % 11.00 -11.00 -11.00 -100%

Props & Parlay Section Stats (Individual sections of this handicapper's parlays)

Straight picks within parlays

  Picks Correct % Correct
Big Favorites 225 (78%) 176 78 %
Slight Favorites 32 (11%) 17 53 %
Slight Underdogs 10 (3%) 0 0 %
Big Underdogs 21 (7%) 16 76 %
288 209 73 %


Props bets and props within parlays

  Picks Correct % Correct
>65% chance 0 (0%) 0 nan %
50-65% 0 (0%) 0 nan %
35-50% 0 (0%) 0 nan %
<35% chance 1 (100%) 1 100 %
1 1 100 %

Prop Bets and Props within Parlays: Bet Types

Prop Type Picks Correct % Correct Avg
1U Bet (ROI %)
X Wins by Sub 1 (100%) 1 100 % 3.25 3.25Pick was correct 3.25Pick was correct 2.3 (225%)
1 1 100 % 3.25     2.3 (225%)

* 1U Bet (ROI %): Many of the picks will have been part of a parlay, however, as a rough guide to value / profitability, this figure supposes that the handicapper put a 1U bet on each of the picks individually, showing the profit / loss they would have made and the ROI %.

Tail Hens Bets's bets

If you had tailed this handicapper's bets since they started logging their picks with us, it would have affected your betting bank balance as follows...

This is more accurate than simply X units total profit. Under that more basic system, 1 unit is equal to the same amount of theoretical dollars, whether it was the last event or 10 events ago. However, if a handicapper has 10 events profit in a row, their betting bank balance will be significantly larger for the 10th event and 1 unit will equal a LOT more than it did 10 events ago.

Date Event Bet Won ROI Fee 1 unit = Start End
20th Aug PFL 2022 #9 33 -33.0 -100% $35 $10.00 $1,000.00 $635.00
20th Aug UFC 278 55 -26.5 -48% $35 $6.35 $635.00 $431.98
23rd Aug DWCS 2022: Week 5 56 -56.0 -100% $35 $4.32 $431.98 $155.07
26th Aug One 160 22 -22.0 -100% $35 $1.55 $155.07 $85.96
26th Aug CFFC 112 33 58.6 178% $35 $0.86 $85.96 $101.37
31st Aug DWCS 2022: Week 6 33 -33.0 -100% $35 $1.01 $101.37 $32.92
3rd Sep UFC Fight Night: Gane vs. Tuivasa 100 -13.5 -14% $35 $0.33 $32.92 $0.00
Reloaded an additional $1000
6th Sep DWCS 2022: Week 7 12.1 8.6 71% $35 $10.00 $1,000.00 $1,051.30
10th Sep UFC 279 121 3.7 3% $35 $10.51 $1,051.30 $1,054.98
13th Sep DWCS 2022: Week 8 11 8.0 73% $35 $10.55 $1,054.98 $1,104.29
17th Sep UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs. Song 89 -25.8 -29% $35 $11.04 $1,104.29 $783.90
21st Sep DWCS 2022: Week 9 11 10.6 96% $35 $7.84 $783.90 $831.89
23rd Sep ACA 145 44 1.9 4% $35 $8.32 $831.89 $812.30
23rd Sep Bellator 285 22 -22.0 -100% $35 $8.12 $812.30 $598.59
23rd Sep Unified MMA 46 33 -33.0 -100% $35 $5.99 $598.59 $366.06
27th Sep DWCS 2022: Week 10 89.4 34.9 39% $35 $3.66 $366.06 $458.87
29th Sep Invicta FC 49 100 -100.0 -100% $35 $4.59 $458.87 $0.00
Reloaded an additional $1000
29th Sep ONE 161 85 2.3 3% $35 $10.00 $1,000.00 $987.66
1st Oct UFC Fight Night: Dern vs. Yan 11 4.3 39% $35 $9.88 $987.66 $995.26
1st Oct Bellator 286 154 0.5 0% $35 $9.95 $995.26 $965.18
4th Oct ACA 146 87.5 495.2 566% $35 $9.65 $965.18 $5,709.84
7th Oct Cage Warriors 144 11 2.9 27% $35 $57.10 $5,709.84 $5,842.33

ROI % from starting bank balance: 284.23% (including fees)
*Note - we don't store historical fee amounts, so we assume the fees are the same as the handicapper charges now.

Hens Bets: Last 20 Wins / Losses (Straight Picks)

Last 20 Wins

  Date Straight Pick Opponent Odds Bet Result    
1. Oct '22 Paid Pick Rakhman Dudaev Elismar Lima 4.60 10.5 TKO, R1 (0:28) MMA Bookmaker
2. Oct '22 Paid Pick Rakhman Dudaev Elismar Lima 4.75 11 TKO, R1 (0:28) MMA Bookmaker
3. Oct '22 Paid Pick Sumiko Inaba Nadine Mandiau 1.17 11 U Decision (3 rounds) MMA Bookmaker
4. Oct '22 Paid Pick Robert Seronio III Miguel Peimbert 1.25 11 U Decision (3 rounds) MMA Bookmaker
5. Oct '22 Paid Pick Lance Gibson Jr. Dominic Clark 1.25 11 Sub, R1 (1:49) MMA Bookmaker
6. Oct '22 Paid Pick A.J. McKee Spike Carlyle 1.25 11 U Decision (3 rounds) MMA Bookmaker
7. Oct '22 Paid Pick Randy Brown Francisco Trinaldo 1.39 11 U Decision (3 rounds) MMA Bookmaker
8. Sep '22 Paid Pick Saygid Izagakhmaev Zhang Lipeng 3.40 11 U Decision (3 rounds) MMA Bookmaker
9. Sep '22 Paid Pick Mateus Mendonca Ashiek Ajim 1.37 10.8 TKO, R1 (0:48) MMA Bookmaker
10. Sep '22 Paid Pick Jack Jenkins Freddy Linares 1.39 10.8 TKO, R3 (4:30) MMA Bookmaker
11. Sep '22 Paid Pick Jack Jenkins Freddy Linares 1.50 10.9 TKO, R3 (4:30) MMA Bookmaker
12. Sep '22 Paid Pick Jack Jenkins Freddy Linares 1.63 11 TKO, R3 (4:30) MMA Bookmaker
13. Sep '22 Paid Pick Mateus Mendonca Ashiek Ajim 1.38 10.9 TKO, R1 (0:48) MMA Bookmaker
14. Sep '22 Paid Pick Bo Nickal Donovan Beard 1.10 11 Sub, R1 (0:52) MMA Bookmaker
15. Sep '22 Paid Pick Mateus Mendonca Ashiek Ajim 1.43 11 TKO, R1 (0:48) MMA Bookmaker

Last 20 Losses

  Date Straight Pick Opponent Odds Bet Result Hedge?    
1. Oct '22 Paid Pick Aaron Pico Jeremy Kennedy 1.38 11 TKO, R1 (5:0) No MMA Bookmaker
2. Sep '22 Paid Pick Batradz Gazzaev Oumar Kane 2.20 11 TKO, R2 (2:15) No MMA Bookmaker
3. Sep '22 Paid Pick Vinicius Cenci Sam Patterson 2.75 2 Sub, R2 (4:18) No MMA Bookmaker
4. Sep '22 Paid Pick Jessica Delboni Jillian DeCoursey 1.33 11 Sub, R1 (4:49) No MMA Bookmaker

* Hedge indicates that this handicapper also had a WINNING bet on the opponent. For example, they may have bet A to win straight up but with a hedge on the other fighter winning by decision.

Hens Bets: Progress Chart

framework 3.3.1.sr2.19840.......................-320.0-160.00.0160.0320.0480.0Unit ProfitLatest EventsStraight PicksParlaysPropsOverall ProfitMMA Handicapper Performance Over Time


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