Wascar Cruz vs Karlee Pangilinan takes place at LFA 127 (in California), on 25th Mar 2022
This event is
18 days, 7 hours and 30 minutes away. You can see any predictions our MMA handicappers have on Wascar Cruz vs Karlee Pangilinan below. Handicappers with a green circle have made a profit, whilst handicappers with a red circle have made a loss on their MMA betting predictions to date. Hover your mouse over the circle to see their exact unit profit / loss. The closer we get to the event, the more free picks we get in.
@2.63 |
@1.62 |
Last 5 fights |
More than 50 units profit
0 to 50 units profit
New handicapper
0 to -10 units loss
More than -10 loss
The rest of the
LFA 127 card |
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